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Arts Classes


Greetings From the Arts Specialist Team at Global Arts Plus 

Hello Global Arts Plus Community!

Welcome back to our returning families and a special welcome to our new families.  We are delighted to be teaching in person this year and  thank you for trusting us with your students.  It is a joy to partner with you.  Our school community and curriculum are grounded in the arts as a way of learning. We want each and every one of our students to participate in arts class learning.  Thank you so much for supporting your scholar in and through the arts.

Our Global Arts Plus Mission...

The mission of Global Arts Plus is to provide a quality, comprehensive, arts infused education for all.  Here are many ways our mission takes form at school:

In The Arts

Students at Global Arts Plus receive a standards based education in dance, drama, music and visual arts. Young artists learn the foundations of each art form known as elements.  These elements are the ingredients that combine in the arts.   With knowledge and experience in the elements of the arts, students create, perform/present, respond and connect with each art form.  Here are the arts specialists who teach your children at each campus:

Lower Campus

  • Debra Elias- Dance & Drama K-4
  • Betsy Wright- Visual Art K-4  
  • Brooke Steigauf- PreK Art & Visual Art Integration K-4
  • Libby Sorensen- Music PreK, Grades 2-5
  • Kim Kroetsch- Music Grades K & 1, Arts Integration Specialist Class in Grade 2, Choir with Grades 2, 3 & 4 + Arts Integration Teacher on Special Assignment K-4

Upper Campus

Mr. Sam - Visual Art

Mrs. Block - Dance

Ms. Moyer - Band and Music

Ms. Rasheed - 7th and 8th Grade Theatre

Ms. Driesen - 5th and 6th Grade Theatre


Though The Arts

In addition to learning in the arts within each arts class, students also learn through the arts at our school.  All teachers in our school integrate arts standards with content standards in other subjects such as math, writing and social studies.  This year, we have two staff positions partially dedicated to supporting arts integration throughout the lower campus:  Brooke Steigauf and Kim Kroetsch.  These two teachers will collaborate with classroom teachers and students  throughout the year  to enrich our arts infused curriculum.  

This year, Ms. Rasheed is the Arts Integration Specialist at the Upper Campus and Mrs Kroetsch at Lower Campus. Their roles as Teachers on Special Assignment include establishing an arts integration committee, co-facilitating professional development for teachers on arts integration, coordinating residencies, creating, teaching and documenting arts integrated lessons and units in collaboration with Global Arts Plus teachers. 


Arts residencies are an important aspect of our overall arts programming.  Each grade level collaborates with a community artist to learn a new artistic skill or process.  The guest artists we invite into our school bring unique cultural and artistic perspectives and experiences to our students, and offer professional development, working side by side with teachers.  Stay posted for an announcement of our 2023-24 Arts Residencies coming soon!


We are so excited to begin hosting in-person Gatherings once again at both campuses!! 

What is a Gathering?

A Gathering is a time when our entire community: students, staff, families & friends gather on Friday.  It is a time to celebrate learning in and through the arts.  Gatherings are a crucial element of an arts integrated program.  Students need the opportunity to share their learning with a real world audience.  


What time and where are Gatherings?

At our Lower Campus, Gatherings will be each week from 3:25-3:45 in our performance space/gym.

At the Upper Campus, we have a rotation system for every Friday gathering, where two grade levels will be invited to the auditorium while the other two grade levels will be livestreaming the gathering. Upper Campus virtual gatherings will be from 9:41 - 10:26 am on Friday mornings. Gathering details will be posted on Schoology starting in the month of October. 

Are guests allowed to attend?

Yes!  Guest seating at Lower Campus will be on the top 5 risers.  We will have the first row of risers to be saved for those who have mobility issues.  We are excited to welcome you!  As weekly Gatherings are planned, please check the calendar on our school's website to see what will be shared from week to