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Visual Arts

Visual Arts Image


We have two teachers who specialize in Visual Arts at Global Arts Plus. Mr. Sam Yelk teaches grades 5-8. Ms. Betsy Wright teaches grades K-4.

You can find their teacher pages below.

Drawing in One-Point Perspective: Perspective is a trick artists use to make objects looks real (three-dimensional) on a flat, two-dimensional sheet of paper. Use these steps to begin drawing a city in perspective.


Sam Yelk

Mr. Sam Yelk is our grades 5-8 visual arts teacher on the Upper campus.

Elisabeth “Betsy” Wright teaches K-4 Visual Arts at the Lower Campus.

Brooke Steigauf

Ms. Brooke teaches visual arts for our PreK & K students and collaborates with classroom teachers in grades K-4 on bringing visual arts into core content.