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2023-2024 AVID Site Team: Sam Yelk, Cassie Karp, Gracie Young, Olivia Wilsson, Kelly McElhinny, Lynn Bourgoyne, student- Liera, Nicola Turner, Jessica Mernin, Emily Harer, Dani Block, Crystal Hannon

Students can learn valuable skills that help them prepare for high school and beyond with a class called Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID).  We offer AVID for 7th and 8th graders, which is an elective class that meets every day of the school year.  We also offer Go For It for 6th graders, which is a semester-long daily elective that incorporates aspects of the AVID program.  Students focus on strengthening their skills in writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization and reading. 

AVID students also have the opportunity to visit college campuses, refine their academic skills, and engage in high-level thinking and discussion.  Students also develop positive peer relationships, learn to advocate for themselves, and improve self-awareness.

Students are given support to be successful in rigorous courses.  Tutors are in AVID 7/8 class twice per week to facilitate collaborative learning groups that help students better understand coursework and develop higher-level thinking skills.

Thank you for your interest in AVID at Global Arts Plus!

For more information, contact Emily Harer at emily.harer@spps.org