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Global Arts Plus Attendance Policy


9:15am: First Bell/Doors Open
9:30am: Second Bell

*Students are considered tardy if they arrive after the second bell.

If your child will not be in school, you must excuse their absence:

Reporting a student absent:

If no one is available to take your call, you must leave a detailed phone message. Please include the following in your message:

  • Child’s Name
  • Child’s Teacher
  • Reason for Absence: (for example, sick, doctor’s appointment)


  • Provide a written excuse. Your note must include:
  • Student Name and Teacher
  • Parent/Guardian signature and date
  • Date of Absence
  • Reason for Absence

*Written excuse or phone call must be received within 1 week of absence*


Acceptable Excuses/Excused Absences:

  • illness
  • Doctor’s appointments
  • Religious holidays
  • Extreme family emergency (for example, death in family, house fire, etc.)

Unacceptable Excuses/Unexcused Absences:

  • Staying home to babysit
  • Overslept
  • Missed the bus
  • Needed at home
  • Excessive absences for being sick without a doctor’s verification
  • Too cold outside.

Unexcused Attendance Procedures:

  • After 3 days of unexcused absences, a phone call or attendance alert letter is mailed to inform guardian of unexcused absences and documented.
  • After 5 days of unexcused absences, guardians with their student will be referred to the Ramsey County Truancy Intervention Program (FTIP) for an informational meeting with the County Attorney regarding the attendance policy.
  • After 9 or more days of unexcused absence, guardian and student will be referred to the Ramsey County School Attendance Review Team (SART)

*All of these steps are monitored and recorded by the LMAP Attendance Committee

*All absences that are not excused within one week will be considered unexcused and will fall into the unexcused attendance procedure