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Leadership Update at Global Arts Plus Upper Campus

Leadership Update at Global Arts Plus Upper Campus

Principal Dr. Chreese Jones is taking a different position within Saint Paul Public Schools. We are grateful for Dr. Jones’ service at Global Arts Plus. Her last day at Global Arts Plus Upper Campus is Friday, February 7. 

In an effort to support Global Arts Plus Upper Campus, I am pleased to welcome Peter Christensen as the school’s Interim Principal for the remainder of the 2024-25 school year. Principal Christensen is a long-time administrator within SPPS. He most recently served as Interim Principal at Farnsworth Aerospace Upper Campus, another grade 5-8 building, and will start on Monday, February 10.

As we move forward, SPPS is committed to finding an excellent leader for this community. As we search for the next principal of Global Arts Plus Upper Campus, we want to ensure you are informed and involved. We expect to post this position later this spring. School administration will work with the school community to select two parents and two staff members to be part of the interview process. Additionally, the school will also have the opportunity to submit two specific questions to be asked of all candidates during the interview process. 

Thank you for supporting your child and Global Arts Plus Upper Campus. If you have any questions, please contact me at kirk.morris@spps.org.

In Partnership,

Dr. Kirk Morris, Assistant Superintendent